

January 2019

Novoshore HOURS

By |January 28th, 2019|Categories: APEX, blog, Oracle|

For most companies, it's very difficult to keep a clear track of the employees' effort, from big corporations to freelancers. When it comes to outsourcing or nearshoring, it's good practice to attach an activities' report [...]

November 2018

Novoshore TICKETS

By |November 3rd, 2018|Categories: APEX, blog, Oracle|

Novoshore Europe is a nearshoring company, focused on providing excellent quality solutions to our customers. We happily work with our clients to discover their together requirements.  Because of our expertise, we know IT is a [...]

October 2018

Novoshore sCRM

By |October 3rd, 2018|Categories: APEX, blog, Oracle|

Oracle ā'pěks is a great tool to create enterprise web applications that match our customer's requirements. A good example is one of our products: the service CRM. For those of you who are not familiar [...]

September 2018

Developers – soon a new “Facebook” will have its worldwide launch. Want to be part of it?

By |September 25th, 2018|Categories: jobs, news|

Novoshore has been selected by LIST101 to be their development and technical partner and will have the future responsibility to further develop their social media platform. The iOS app (LIST101) is already launched in Denmark and [...]

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