novoshore technology blog
We encourage all our staff to share their technical knowledge through our blogs. Please, keep in mind that the opinion in our blog are from our staff and does not necessarily reflect the opinion/policy of novoshore.
Another reason to move to free Oracle APEX – New release just out (24.2)
Happy New Year APEX community! We are taking advantage of the new year’s resolutions pulse with the release of Oracle APEX 24.2, it seems to be the right time to get back to blog a [...]
Oracle APEX: The New Features
The lastest Oracle Application Express (APEX) releases provide companies with many more reasons to develop on a low code platform. Furthermore, there's a great increase in migrations of their legacy applications to this technology. We [...]
We’re officially Oracle’s Silver Partner
Finally - Novoshore Europe SL is now an Oracle Silver Partner. As a company, Novoshore's been working with Oracle's technologies since its start. Oracle Tunning Guy, by Trond Enstad, is the founder behind Novoshore Europe and [...]
Mobile Interfaces using Universal Theme
This post is related to our previous blog post - A new mobile interface for sCRM Client Portal, where we talked about turning our application's interfaces more mobile friendly. To contextualize a bit, we have an [...]
A new mobile interface for sCRM Client Portal
After migrating our servers to ā'pěks 18.1, we kept our normal development cycle. We apply Scrum to all our projects, allowing us to perform an Agile development strategy. We always keep adding some new features from [...]
Migrating to ā’pěks 18.1
This is not a new topic, but we also want to share our experiences of the migration to ā'pěks 18.1. As you've probably read, the ā'pěks team have tested hundreds of times this migration process [...]