For most companies, it’s very difficult to keep a clear track of the employees’ effort, from big corporations to freelancers. When it comes to outsourcing or nearshoring, it’s good practice to attach an activities’ report detailing invoices for customers. It might also be important that management has a clear picture of the performance of the employees’ work. But always keeping in mind that adding a high overload to our work might end in a reduction of productivity. Novoshore HOURS was born to provide a solution to all that.
This solution was initially born to inform customers with an accurate report on the activities where their dedicated teams were working on. Now it’s a more complete solution. Here we’re going to talk a bit about some of the main features.
a very easy way to track daily work
We all already know that Oracle ā’pěks is a great tool to create efficient web apps rapidly. It easily helps to get rid of our old Excel sheets or Access DB and start using modern technologies. Keeping most of the information locally, inside employees workstations, is a common practice for most of the companies. However, when it comes to teamwork, this approach makes things a bit more complicated. We can keep all our information in one place, cloud-based and securely stored. From that point and on, things start becoming easier.
The main business idea behind this application is “tracking work effort”. The IT industry’s been always linked to data, and that is something from where we can take advantage of. We need to define some configuration elements like projects, teams and little more. Then, we’re ready to use the app. We can be really flexible while we configure our projects: we can re-use activities, we can assign a single person, a group of them or entire teams to a project, define the project scope in time and the time usage estimates… Once we complete this configuration, it’s very easy to track all our projects and tasks with a few clicks. Using this approach, it becomes natural to save a significant amount of time and resources. Time tracking and time-sheets can be a challenge in both large and small organisations – both for employees and management. With our solution, it will become a gentle breeze, and no longer something to dread filling out or managing.
a great way to overview data
Once we track our records daily, we can apply some data analysis to extract some value from that information. This application includes very exhaustive reports, to avoid missing any record. When using Oracle ā’pěks, reports provide very useful built-in tools, allowing us to filter, sort data, export that data, creating charts and more just out of the box. We design all those reports to allow every user of the app to access all the required information when needed.
However, when it comes to overview our data, dashboards are a great tool. When we access the app, the first thing we can find is a personal dashboard where overviewing the month evolution. However, there are also some other dashboards, specially designed for supervisors, containing information about projects, employees, and others. All those dashboards are very easy to navigate, so we can review the work evolution over different months. Especially for management, these capabilities help to clearly overview where is the employees’ effort going to.
But when it comes to our customers, we have also covered the need to provide some feedback on our effort to customers. We use a 3rd party service for printing documents. That’s how we can generate highly customizable documents in a completely transparent way for end users. That’s how we can provide single employees’ reports or some others documents more complete and complex. In the end, is all about our customers, and we can easily adapt to their changing requirements.
human resources management
Using Novoshore HOURS, we can also keep all our human resources information in a single place. It provides some useful resources to define our company structure, assigning roles and dependencies to employees. A very useful feature is the Holidays Management, that includes some calculations and automatizations that makes all this process even easier, regardless of the size of the company. When the employee requests some personal holidays, the associated manager receives a request email. Inside the app, managers can see a badge alert with pending requests. The managers can approve or reject holidays, depending on the company policy, while overviewing all the employees’ days off in a calendar view. To finish the process, the employee gets an email notification that includes the resolution to the request. Communications are completely transparent to everyone while tracking them all in one single place.
Thanks to the Departamental segmentation feature, it’s very easy to manage all our company structure. Depending on the position and the roles assigned to each employee, there are hidden areas to keep the information safe from curious eyes.
easiness of integration
It’s important to say that Novoshore HOURS is a cloud-based solution, so all the data is securely stored in the cloud with continuous back-ups. We can access into the app using any device with an internet connection. This means that even for employees visiting customers, it’s easy to keep data updated or review it. The interface is mobile friendly, making it very easy to use on small displays.
If you remember our sCRM solution, this application is a great addition to it. However, it doesn’t really mean that we need to integrate with sCRM. Novoshore HOURS is a standalone app, but it’s very easy to integrate with other systems. All our apps are modular and easy to extend. Integrated or not we can assure you that you will save time and resources by starting to use HOURS.
get more details
If you like this type of solution and need more details, please do not hesitate to contact us. Pricewise; It is a very attractive solution in its segment. We can prepare a demo environment for you, so you can test the application with no restrictions. And if you have any special requirements, please contact us and our Oracle ā’pěks team will be more than pleased to help you.
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