Novoshore Europe is a nearshoring company, focused on providing excellent quality solutions to our customers. We happily work with our clients to discover their together requirements.  Because of our expertise, we know IT is a world where any small problem can lead to a major incident. However, using the right tools, we all can save lots of time and resources for you during the development cycle. Some market resources are a bit restrictive, so that is why we have developed our complete support solution. We named it Novoshore Tickets. We used a RAD (Rapid Application Development)/low-code framework that might already sound familiar to you: Oracle ā’pěks. The software we created is highly customizable and very easy to integrate with other systems. We’d like to use this post to share some very interesting details about this solution and development platform with you.

one single place to keep a full track

When it comes to providing support, logistic might become a bit complicated. In some cases, solving an incidence might need several people’s collaboration. If we’re able to keep all the important information in one place, everything is easier for all parties involved. When we access a client’s profile, we can overview all the information relevant from them. There is a very useful dashboard, where we can get a visual overview of the current customers’ status, and that’s an advantage to be more efficient in helping them. All the built-in reports and dashboards have been designed to provide the maximum value from the information introduced in the system.

As the main goal of a helpdesk is to provide solutions in the most efficient and rapid way possible, there some built-in tools to improve our performance. For example, notifications to all parties involved are completely automatic, making the support process even easier. When it comes to guarantees on services provided, time consumptions are automatically tracked without any extra effort. That leads to offer a very transparent and accurate information to our customers, without adding any extra overload to our workflow. All those small details help to make this solution a perfect tool for offering a good quality service.

And it’s also important to point that customer’s satisfaction is always critical. For that reason, we allow the users to overview and provide any feedback to us during the entire resolution process. Audit information is available for everyone, so we can provide a qualified and transparent feedback to our customers with no additional effort. Even more, when our customers have special urgency on a case’s resolution, they can easily Escalate a ticket and the system will warn us about that emergency (High Priority Incident). There’re many automatised process that simplifies our work process a lot.

track your assets’ details

When we talk about hardware, it’s crucial to keep a proper track of serial numbers, guarantee expiration dates, etc. With Novoshore Support System, we don’t need to worry about that anymore. Because of the great escalation capabilities, we can store all the information related to our assets in one place, from small companies to big corporations. Thanks to the intuitive reports, with filtering and extensive search tools, it’s very easy to check our clients’ assets.

This assets’ register goes even a bit further. As the customer’s hardware is already in the system, they can easily open a ticket based on a certain device. That makes things much easier for our customers, as they don’t need to provide the same information several times. But can also help us, by providing valuable information regarding certain devices, brands or models that we support. Is a great way of learning what to recommend to our customers, when it comes to infrastructure based on a measurable expertise.

two apps for one goal

Novoshore Support System includes two different apps: one for internal management (service and support, where we can control everything, and one for our customers (customer portal), including a very intuitive interface. We want to highlight some of the main features included in each app.

Novoshore’s Internal Support app

The core of this support solution is the internal app. There is where our staff can manage everything related to the support service provided. We can define support hours for each customer, KPI’s depending on our agreements with them, customer’s staff and contacts, etc. We can be very flexible while configuring the app to exactly fit into our customers’ needs.

For handling a request, we can find very all the relevant information through intuitive menus, action buttons, and reports. All related controls are accessible from the ticket handling page, so it’s very easy to adapt the system to our work routines very quickly. If a customer requires our help through email or phone, we can easily track everything within few clicks. Later on, we can get some input from the customer using the app, and keep going forward from there. That’s why having all the information in one place is very important to simplify the entire process. Customers and support staff/engineers will be updated regarding new updates via email.

Novoshore’s Tickets app

For customers, we have designed a modern web portal where they can manage all their relevant information. Managers can define privileges for some or all employees, so they can overview or manage other employees’ tickets. This way, role-based, it’s very easy to adapt the app to our company structure. Also based on those privileges, there are reports, detailing everything about the open or closed incidences.

Using a very clean and intuitive interface, users can easily open a case by submitting a ticket in a few clicks, using a self-guided process. Based on the KPI’s agreed with the support provider, they can combine the severity and urgency of the case, provide a description, link the case to a concrete attach files or screenshots, etc. All the elements involved with a case have been thought carefully to provide the maximum information with the less disruption possible. That’s how both, customer and support provider, can efficiently find a solution in the shortest time possible. You can also submit new tickets via email, and you will receive updates to your tickets via email as well.

cloud-based solution

As we mentioned before, we use Oracle ā’pěks as the development infrastructure for this solution. Apart from the already mentioned advantages of this Rapid Software Development framework, we also want to mention how we keep your data safe. With Oracle APEX, we have a cloud-based solution hosted in very secure servers located in Europe. You can securely access your data anywhere in the world, just by using any device with internet connection. For the design of both apps, we use a responsive design pattern, with small screen devices in mind. Apps look great both on your normal screen and when using a mobile device. That’s really helpful, especially when we need to provide support to customers on site.

Both apps, Internal Support, and Tickets, follow this architecture and UX design pattern, but that’s especially relevant for our customers. They can require our help without any device or location restriction. That really saves time and resources for everyone.

give it a try

All our customers use this software solution for our support interactions with them. So far, the feedback is very positive, and the apps are used always they’re needed. If you, or your company, need a tool to provide better quality services, Novoshore Support Solution can help a lot. You can get more details about Novoshore’s Tickets at the corresponding products’ page. Don’t hesitate to contact us for a demo, and we’ll be more than pleased to show you how it works. We can also prepare a demo environment for you, so you can play around with all the built-in features and check the apps’ potential. Once you’ve tried it, you can also talk to our dedicated Oracle ā’pěksteam for any special requirement or integration with other solution.