Monthly Archives: October 2018

Mobile Interfaces using Universal Theme

This post is related to our previous blog post - A new mobile interface for sCRM Client Portal, where we talked about turning our application's interfaces more mobile friendly. To contextualize a bit, we have an Oracle ā'pěks dedicated team working on some of our products. For one of those products, we wanted to improve the [...]

2018-10-08T10:42:25+02:00October 8th, 2018|APEX, blog, Oracle|0 Comments

Novoshore sCRM

Oracle ā'pěks is a great tool to create enterprise web applications that match our customer's requirements. A good example is one of our products: the service CRM. For those of you who are not familiar with this acronym, a CRM is a Customer Relationship Management tool. Most companies use this type of solutions when it [...]

2025-02-13T15:41:43+01:00October 3rd, 2018|APEX, blog, Oracle|0 Comments
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