Yearly Archives: 2016

CLOSED: C#/.Net Developer needed urgently

C#/.Net Developer needed urgently We are looking for a new C#/.Net Developer for one of our customer teams. International startup. Fun environment. Flexible hours. 100% IT company. English Monday - Thursday. Friday: Spanish day. Weekly english classes. Friday sweets. Technical sessions. 40 hours a week. Permanent position. Good salary.   Technical skills required C#/.Net, TFS, MVVM, [...]

2020-04-08T15:27:44+02:00December 14th, 2016|jobs|0 Comments

Nearshoring – outsourcing with happy ending …

HAS IT BEEN ALMOST 10 YEARS ALREADY? It has actually been close to 10 years since the discussions and preparations started in our hectic database team in the Netherlands. Shell had finally made the decision to outsource their IT Infrastructure to Deutsche Telekom's daughter company T-Systems and this meant big changes for us. A transfer [...]

2025-02-13T15:39:50+01:00October 7th, 2016|blog|0 Comments

Sharepoint on Steroids

Take the trip to our YouTube channel and watch how you can take advantage of a Sharepoint solution that is made for people like you and me. Don't waste time looking for your documents anymore. Don't re-create a document yo know exists! Get a head start on a quality intranet site - enabling your whole [...]

2016-09-20T12:39:32+02:00August 30th, 2016|blog|0 Comments
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